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One advantage of living in the information age is learning new things every day. Even more interesting is when we learn stuff that we thought we already knew but apparently didn’t, like the fact that the sun is a sphere. Yep, science just found that out in February 2011. Next they’re going to tell us that they just figured out whether the chicken or egg came first. Actually . = red soft gel meizitang botanical slimming official site 8) Becoming addicted to the number on your scale. The scale can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When you are trying to lose weight, it can be easy to place too much emphasis on what those numbers say. In my weight loss journey, there have been times when I would let the gaining of 1 or 2 pounds put me in a tailspin or a binge as I thought to myself “What’s the point of trying anymore? ” On the other hand, I have gotten so excited over the loss of 5 pounds that I have stopped being as careful about my food choices. My overconfidence led to a lack of self control. The scale is a fickle fellow, and can reflect water weight and other things at various times of the month. If you weigh daily, you will pick up on all of these small changes and get frustrated. By weighing only once or twice a month, you will get a truer reflection of how much weight you are really losing.
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One of the most important components to successful dieting is understanding portion control and food value. Calories are essentially units of energy that the body uses to function and run vital organs. However, excess calories are converted into fat to be stored for later use. Weight loss is mostly an equation of calories in vs. calories out. red soft gel meizitang botanical slimming official site Change habit of picking food from refrigerator Usually, obese people have habit to pick and eat food stored in refrigerator that makes them fat. Try to get rid of this habit or store lot of fruits and healthy snacks in refrigerator. Prepare and follow healthy food list You can make a list of healthy recipes or foods that help in weight reduction.

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