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I was able to stay just under 200 pounds during my teen years, but it was due mostly in part to me becoming bulimic. I continued to struggle with binging and then bulimia throughout my teen years. My mother discovered my “secret” and I stopped binging and purging when I was 19. . slim lean body Limit or eliminate all simple carbohydrates. High carbohydrate diets can severely increase insulin levels, and women who suffer from PCOS are usually particularly sensitive to these insulin spikes. Some doctors suggest a low carbohydrate diet, but restricting carbohydrates can have other health repercussions, such as high cholesterol and a higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
Take regular exercise, by this I don’t mean a short stroll around the park, I mean get into your local gym and start throwing the iron around (not literally of course). You need to put your muscles under stress, if you are a beginner then focus on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, push ups and pull ups these will activate the largest muscle groups in the body which will lead to faster gains. Choose a weight that enables you to complete between 8 12 reps, any more and it’s too heavy, any less and it’s too light.. slim lean body A month later, I was sitting on the couch with my then five year old daughter and a commercial came on TV for a popular weight loss clinic. We both sat in silence. At the end of the commercial, my daughter looked at me, very innocently and said, “That’s what you need, mom.” I cried.
Easy, it’s time to retest to see what your new max weight is. Retest to determine your new max and then use that to bump up your working weight. Once you get that down, you can start adding other things preacher curls, leg presses, etc. slim lean body What one says about you, doesn’t make up who you are. What makes up who you are is how you carry yourself in life. Use criticism for a few things.

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