Tag Archives: laboratorios botanical slimming

6. Tentacle Porn and Pixelated WangsConnoisseurs of Japanese porn (hi, every single Cracked reader!) will readily note that, when they start getting down to business, all of the sexy bits are pixelated out like they’re trying to keep it PG 13. In the meantime, the uniquely Japanese export of “tentacle porn” has become one of the highlights that illustrate just how bizarre Japan really is. ? acai berry tablete za mrsavljenje smart coffee It’s true. Americans are busier than ever these days. And eating only one meal per day will not only save you time, but also money, and leave more precious hours of your day for your daytime TV viewing experience. No need to spend hours cooking or ordering lots of food. Simply pick the right time, call for your pizza, and eat it all in one sitting. It will leave you full and bloated the entire day. And when you’re asked to do something around the house, you’ll have the perfect response. “Sorry Honey, I don’t feel good.”
With most technologies, we can only guess what they will look like 1,000 years from now. We don’t really even know what the “ultimate” video game or cellphone would even look like. We’re waiting for the technology to show us. But everybody knows what the end point of transportation technology is: instantly being able to go anywhere, at any time. Just like Star Trek’s transporters, where you can send a person from Point A to Point B just like sending an email. acai berry tablete za mrsavljenje smart coffee The young people on this island(my home) are treated like dirty underground, when most of us are better citizens then you’d expect. Way better..
Just something to ponder here. When someone asks you this, you can be sure of one of three things: They’re crazy, they’re really, really good at karate, or you’ve wandered onto the set of Death Sport 3 and Van Damme has gone off prompter again. It would take a special kind of idiot to answer “yes” to the above question, since Nordstrand, who was now fully prepared to kick some ass, had just beaten off four separate attacks. In any case, that idiot, the only one out of the original six muggers, was instantly kicked in throat. acai berry tablete za mrsavljenje smart coffee 4. Kids Don’t Get Enough RecessAhh, recess. The one part of the day where you got to leave all that learning bullshit behind and pretend to murder Space Nazis with stick guns. The only sucky thing about recess was that we didn’t get enough of it. Schools have been cutting back on playtime for years, and it’s not hard to understand why: Imaginary Star Wars/Transformers crossovers might be a pantsload of fun, but they don’t teach you how to spell “Mississippi” or where the red fern grows. The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act even urged preschools preschools to cut out some of the shenanigans in favor of more direct instruction.”This is how your childhood ends. Not with a bang, but with mathematics.”

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