Is your answer YES to any of these questions?
- Are you at risk of foreclosure and losing your home?
- Are you behind in your mortgage payments, or concerned that you soon might be?
- Has your financial situation changed due to a mortgage payment increase, loss of job, divorce, medical expenses, increase in taxes or other reasons?
- Is your credit card debt becoming unmanageable?
- Is it becoming difficult to pay all your monthly bills on time?
- Have you received a foreclosure notice from your lender?
Millions of homeowners have found themselves in your situation, often through no fault of their own. The economic downturn has led to many homeowners being “under water” in their loans, meaning they owe more than their home is worth, making it impossible to refinance.
If you’ve become one of those millions, don’t panic. Foreclosure, and its accompanying effect on your credit, is not inevitable. There are many options out there, and your circumstances may make one of those options feasible and desirable for you.
To keep your options alive, you need to communicate with your lender. Many homeowners have lost their homes to foreclosure without ever contacting their lender.
Many lenders would rather not foreclose. They take a large financial hit on a foreclosure. So in many cases, they’ll consider viable alternatives. Some of these alternatives may keep you in your home.
I can help guide you through the process and act as a liaison between all the parties involved.